Teaching and learning of social sciences, a pending issue in the multigrade school in Colombia
rural education, social sciences, teacher, studentAbstract
The main proposal of this essay is to reflect on the teaching and learning of social sciences in rural multrigrade schools in Colombia. For this purpose, it is based on a descriptive qualitative methodology in order to identify the characteristics of the social phenomenon. The paper focuses on three components; it begins with the description of the characteristics and practices that take place in the multigrade school, continues with the discussions that have been generated in the social sciences, and highlights the importance of knowing them in order to take as an example the problem of reading maps and textbooks that are used in primary school in multigrade modality. Likewise, the importance of adequate training for the multigrade school teacher, a flexible curriculum in educational institutions in Colombia and actions that promote critical thinking in students are discussed. Finally, the importance of a professional training of the teacher in the framework of teaching and learning is raised, for which research on pedagogical practices is essential.
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