Quality and pertinence on the evolutionary process of technical education and vocational training in Nicaragua



pertinence, quality, curriculum, teachers, equipment, infrastructure


Quality and pertinence are determining elements in Technical Education and Vocational Training in Nicaragua; they are present in the curriculum that responds to the demands of the productive sectors and national investment projects, as well as in educational policies that restore the rights of the population, for men and women in the countryside and the city. Likewise, they are present in the process of updating and specializing teachers and in the dignification of educational environments at the national level. The referred results come from an investigation that applied the technique of analysis of methodological documents, executive reports of the curricular transformation process, media monitoring and literature review, with the purpose of ensuring the reliability of the information for the analysis of the evolutionary process that has been experienced by the National Technical and Technological Institute (INATEC) during the period of 2015 to 2023. The process of curricular and infrastructure transformation has allowed the coverage and diversification of the academic offer to be expanded, restoring the right to a free and quality with gender equality education. Likewise, teacher updating and training has allowed the strengthening of skills in teaching practice, by having trained personnel students receive a quality education, training them with skills that allow them to enter the workforce.


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How to Cite

Cuesta Loáisiga, M. I., & Espinoza Pichardo, M. A. (2024). Quality and pertinence on the evolutionary process of technical education and vocational training in Nicaragua. Indice: Revista De Educación De Nicaragua, 3(6), 37–46. Retrieved from https://revistaindice.cnu.edu.ni/index.php/indice/article/view/219



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