Estrategies for the formation of scientific research competences in the students of Medical Optometry of the UNAN-Managua, period 2021-2022



Research student, Research skills, Research methods, Optics, Scientific culture


The perception of students, teachers and authorities of the Medical Optometry career at UNAN - Managua, regarding the strategies for the formation of scientific research competencies in research students of the career, was analyzed. The study is descriptive, correlational, according to the time of occurrence of the events and recording of the information, it is prospective, with a mixed approach. 110 online surveys applied to medical optometry students from UNAN - Managua were analyzed through the Google Forms platform. 88.35% of the students recognize the importance of training scientific research skills, and 90.29% are interested in being part of research groups. A statistically significant dependency relationship emerges through Pearson’s Chi-square test, with a P value = 0.001, between the interest that students have to be included in research projects with their need to develop scientific research skills. Within the research competencies, the research methodology, the management of research projects, the effective search for scientific information, critical thinking, applied biostatistics and scientific writing and writing must be strengthened. Given the interest shown by the students of the medical optometry career in participating in research groups, it demonstrates a clear need in the promotion of a methodology that allows the students to visualize the disciplines in which they will be instructed, therefore, it is provided a model proposal that includes specific knowledge and areas that must be strengthened.


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How to Cite

Andino Castro, M. A., Peña Galán, C. G., Vallejos Pérez, A. F., & Pérez Arriola, M. S. (2023). Estrategies for the formation of scientific research competences in the students of Medical Optometry of the UNAN-Managua, period 2021-2022. Indice: Revista De Educación De Nicaragua, 2(3), 83–95. Retrieved from



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