Assessment of basic skills in reading and mathematics: the case of Estelí



Learning, education assessment, living conditions, reading ability, skills


The generation of evidence to assess learning is booming on a global scale, but the significant contribution of such evidence to educational quality remains to be defined. Assessments contribute to quality through their implementation and analysis when carried out in a participatory manner. This is the case of CitizenLed Assessments (CLA). This paper describes the experience of VIdA (Valoraciones Intersubjetivas del Aprender, for its Acronym in Spanish), a citizen-led evaluation designed from a vision of Genuine Cooperation by the FUPECG-ÁBACOenRed foundation, which is developed with its own instruments. These instruments have between 12 and 16 items and are validated by teachers from the Ministry of Education and applied by teacher’s school students. Its objective is to assess basic learning in reading and mathematics of children between seven and 13 years, as well as the possible correlation of these results with socioeconomic factors associated with learning. This evaluation was applied during February and March 2023 in 20 neighbourhoods and 20 communities in the municipality of Estelí, Nicaragua, selected through a Probability proportional to size sample based on population. The study showed


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How to Cite

Narváez Herrera, W. (2023). Assessment of basic skills in reading and mathematics: the case of Estelí. Indice: Revista De Educación De Nicaragua, 3(5), 73–86. Retrieved from



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