Analysis of the development of abilities and innovative skills in secondary students of English Language learning



English, Education, Pedagogical innovation, Teaching method


The development of abilities and skills in students is fundamental in the foreign language learning process to improve the acquisition of the language in a comprehensive and innovative way in a friendly educational context. This text presents the results of an investigation focused on the search for practical solutions to develop evident and pertinent learningin the systemictraining of students of Instituto Nacional Cristóbal Colón (INCC) in the city of Bluefields, Nicaragua. Thus, the analysis of methodological and didactic strategies for the development of ability and innovative skills was proposed, taking into account the cognitive level and historical reality of the students. The study population was seventh grade students; of these, a sample of 17 participants was obtained. Due to its nature, it is qualitative, the research is descriptive, cross-sectional, and was carried out from February to November 2019. Data was collected through closed surveys of 17 students, 17 parents, and nine teachers. It was found that the cognitive aspect in relation to the language is 25%, this has driven the intervention to implement a search for resources to develop abilities and skills in students. The strategies used of singing, drama and the incorporation of technology promote and stimulate the learning of the English language, fostering values such as cooperation, teamwork, trust and security. Additionally, with the implementation of innovative strategies the student becomes protagonist of their own learning at a metacognitive level.


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How to Cite

Hodgson López, J. R. (2023). Analysis of the development of abilities and innovative skills in secondary students of English Language learning. Indice: Revista De Educación De Nicaragua, 2(3), 33–42. Retrieved from



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