Genuine cooperation: a re-signification from the popular education approach in university management



University cooperation, International cooperation, Genuine cooperation, Popular education, Genuiness, Solidarity


The context of cooperation must be present in the debate and reflection spaces in all human relations in order to raise effective proposals for its performance. This paper explains the framework for the implementation of a genuine cooperation in university environment from the popular education approach, taking as a starting point the genuineness and solidarity as moral principles in social relations. The methodology used was systematic analysis of documents, interviews with experts based on concepts and categories of the field of study related to cooperation, genuineness, solidarity, international relations and other concepts. As the main results the university community must create conditions to understand the elements of a cooperation which responds to its identity and nature, and the parties involved understand each other and participate without losing sight of mutual interests in order to establish alliances and formalize agreements to face global challenges. Finally, it is proposed that it is possible to cooperate as soon as reciprocal relations are established in a transparent manner through horizontal relations, without conditions or impositions; in this way, authentic alliances will effectively contribute to a new genuine and solidarity cooperation model that will lead to the desired development of the people in a global framework.


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How to Cite

Rojas-Icabalzeta, N. (2023). Genuine cooperation: a re-signification from the popular education approach in university management. Indice: Revista De Educación De Nicaragua, 2(3), 97–111. Retrieved from



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