Notes for building of epistemological references for learning in Nicaragua
Paradigm, Learning, Complexity, Self-organization, Self-regulation, Interdependence, SustainabilityAbstract
In Nicaragua, a bet on learning has been declared and is being carried out, through an education focused on the person, on the family and on the community This is possible thanks to the work being done jointly by the four subsystems that constitute the national education system. In the area of higher education, with the recent reforms to the legal supports, Law 1114 and others, there is an open possibility of rethinking the horizon from which to understand and put on track our educational mission, so that it accounts for the national policy mentioned above. With this work, honestly and humbly, we intend to collaborate in the exercise initiated by the National Council of Universities, in order to weave the epistemological references that support the well-intentioned and revolutionary decision to move from teaching to learning.
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