Relationship between the planning and evaluation of learning in virtual distance education
curriculum evaluation, test, reagents, competencesAbstract
In the context of the reform of the Nicaraguan educational system, it is evident that teachers’ attention is generally focused on the curricular planning of the content to be taught in the course. In this context, the criteria for choosing the type of evaluation should be considered to ensure learning. The evaluations must follow the structure and the assurance of elements necessary for the understanding of its addressee. This paper analyzes the relationship between the planning of didactic content and the forms of evaluation (objective tests) used in continuing education courses (distance mode), in order to comply with the methodological processes required for the effective learning process and feedback between the student and the teacher. For this purpose, a process of documentary review of ten courses given in continuing education format and in virtual distance modality was proposed, to determine the relationship between content, competencies and objective tests applied as learning evaluation tools. It is concluded that the courses examined must present a direct, coherent and reasoned connection between the competencies and the evaluation tests used. Therefore, the university should focus attention on this element that may be affecting the academic performance of students, especially in the curricular area.
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