Transdisciplinary strategies for a holistic learning in the UNIAV-UNICAM Program
transdisciplinarity, curriculum, education, biopedagogy, educational mediationAbstract
The new times in which education is experienced demand a deeper analysis of educational practices, of a more coherent view between reality and pedagogical practice. In this sense, this article analyzes how transdisciplinary strategies can be applied in higher education, highlighting the importance of integrating various disciplines in a holistic and harmonized way to address community problems in a contextualized and practical manner. The Universidad Internacional Antonio de Valdivieso (UNIAV), through the construction of transdisciplinary learning experiences and encounters, generates comprehensive results in its educational context. This has allowed the creation of new knowledge, the promotion of investigative capacity in the social, economic-environmental, cultural realms, and the resolution of complex problems, prioritized within each of the rural communities from which its learners come, from the field of physics and mathematics. In the formative practice, it integrates flexibility and multiple perspectives, knowledge, and approaches from different disciplines in the field of Educational Sciences, fostering citizenship training, practical skills, social, cultural, emotional, personal, ethical, and moral knowledge. In the Education Sciences degrees b of the UNIAV-UNICAM program, pedagogy and methodology that boosts the collaboration between mediators and learners from different disciplines are employed. This article is the product of qualitative research, exploring how physical-mathematical models are created and used to solve complex problems in rural communities from a transdisciplinary perspective. The testimonies of learners involved in this experience highlight the importance of this strategy in generating solutions to specific situations that impact the integral and sustainable development of communities. All this monized work was developed from the Pedagogical Academic Horizon of UNIAV, which proposes an educational model based on biopedagogy and pedagogical mediation, where students are the vital protagonists of their learning. This model has a transdisciplinary approach that integrates learning processes, evidenced in the learning experiences lived in the UNIAV-UNICAM Program.
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