Epistemology of open research systems



Knowledge, Complexity, Teaching, Research, People, Simplicity


The current world is a mixture of historical events and interests of the hegemonically dominant societies, the foregoing is linked to the ancestral traditions of the peoples, considering the research processes as collective constructions that respond to various community problems, providing a range of possible alternative solutions. Complexity can be a tool to obtain freedom, decolonize thought, undiscipline education and science. This paper presents an analysis of complexity as a way of understanding open systems research for the study of diverse epistemologies such as simplicity, mechanicism and interculturality. A literature review was conducted and a review of the historical background and traditional methodologies in education, in contrast with the processes of knowledge transfer and re-signification that are used from and for indigenous peoples and communities. Consequently, the approaches proposed by the authors who addresses complexity with the dynamics of coexistence of the native and Afro-descendant peoples of Nicaragua were linked; also attached to this debate is the axis of interculturality, considering that this allows to recognize the existence of logical pluralism. Research from within will contribute to minimize the extraction of knowledge from our wise men and women. So, a fundamental axis is interculturality, through which the bases for the acceptance of “otherness” are established.


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How to Cite

Moraga López, J. del R., Wong Serrano, J. Y., Olivar Molina, S. A., & Allen Amador, T. T. (2022). Epistemology of open research systems. Indice: Revista De Educación De Nicaragua, 2(4), 55–64. Retrieved from https://revistaindice.cnu.edu.ni/index.php/indice/article/view/106



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