A difficult problem: distinguish between the good and the bad education



teaching, learning, complexity, life, history, politics


Since ever, education has represented a strategic field vis-à-vis the development of a society or a country. The best bets have been placed both by Tyrians and Trojans, for education. This paper sets out a problem and tries to solve it. Education is not
enough. It is necessary to distinguish between an education that states, exalts and cares for life, and any other form of education. It is all about tracing demarcation criteria between good and bad education; this is the one that benefits or harms life. This is a problem that has not been openly formulated, as yet. This paper argues that such a distinction is compulsory. Four arguments are set out to support the claim. Such a distinction is necessary vis-à-vis developing capacities and learning about the complexities of life, and the world.


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How to Cite

Maldonado, C. E. (2024). A difficult problem: distinguish between the good and the bad education. Indice: Revista De Educación De Nicaragua, 3(6), 81–97. Retrieved from https://revistaindice.cnu.edu.ni/index.php/indice/article/view/222



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