Prevention of Forest Fires in Bluefields through environmental education and community action
Wildfires, environmental education, community action, biodiversity, disaster preventionAbstract
This research tackles the forest and agricultural fires in Bluefields, from March to April 2023, as well as the effectiveness of prevention strategies established in environmental education and community action. There were 17 registered wildfires which affected 411.63 hectares, gravely affecting local biodiversity, especially flora species such as Guarumo (Cecropia gabrielis) and Zopilote (Vochysia ferruginea). It also damaged faunistic species, namely three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegatus) and white-faced monkey (Cebus capucinos). The research methodology included a mixed approach, which combined surveys, semi-structured interviews, direct observations and georeferencing. In total, 454 families took part in training sessions about self-protection, fires management and reforestation practices. Results revealed a significant increase in the community’s embracing of preventative measures, 75 % of partakers practicing the creation of firebreaks and adequate residue management after training sessions. Conclusions highlight the value of environmental education as a key to decreasing wildfires and the restoration of affected ecosystems. Likewise, active participation from youth and indigenous groups was a critical factor for success, promoting preventative strategies’ community appropriation. It is recommended to keep strengthening unions between communities, local authorities and educational institutions to guarantee sustainability of these projects during time and broaden the range in higher-risk areas.
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