Teaching Pedagogical Leadership and Learning of Eleventh Grade Students from Pueblo Nuevo and San Juan de Limay
Pedagogical leadership, academic performance, interpersonal leadership, organizational leadershipAbstract
The analysis of teachers´ pedagogical leadership to guide the learning process of eleventh grade students from the Héroes y Mártires of Pueblo Nuevo and Rubén Darío of San Juan de Limay institutes has revealed the importance for teachers to apply personal, interpersonal, and organizational leadership styles in order to promote learning processes and improve the educational quality.Having said this, the research aimed to analyze teachers’ pedagogical leadership and its relationship with student learning, based on teachers’ knowledge of pedagogical leadership, its perception and application, describing the academic situation of students, contrasting with the perception of teachers and students about the pedagogical leadership of teachers and finding out the associations between the factors of incidence. Given the quantitative and qualitative nature of this research, an observational study with a descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional and prospective scope was chosen during the year 2021, in which two secondary education institutes characterized by their continuous advances in educational performance were analyzed in depth. The data was collected through surveys, semi-structured interviews, documentation analysis and non-participatory observation. It was found that the academic situation of the students in relation to academic performance is 78 with qualitative evaluations of good and excellent in cognitive aspects, learning styles, student motivation and personal and citizen development. In teachers, the planning and organization of work, proactive behavior, teacher motivation, teacher preparation, mastery of pedagogical approaches, interpersonal and organizational leadership dimensions have been appropriated and integrated into their work according to teachers and students. Statistically, relationships were found between the previously mentioned factors and incidences of leadership in student performance were demonstrated. Research on leadership is strategic in order to improve quality from the perspective of understanding how teachers’ behaviors influence student performance.
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