Systematization of the articulation process of the National Education System and strengthening of educational research
Educational quality, educational research, systematization, learningAbstract
This paper presents the results of the systematization of experiences in the strengthening of educational research led by the interinstitucional articulation process of the different subsystems and entities dedicated to education in Nicaragua. The paper is divided into three parts. In the first, a general vision of the articulation of the National Educational System is presented with regard to legal and theoretical aspects and the of the different educational actors. Secondly, it explains the methodology and details about the systematization itself. In the third part, the results are detailed according to four relevant aspects: organizational structure, articulated lines of research, development of research from joint work and the strengthening of investigative skills of Network of Educational Researchers of Nicaragua (RIENIC, for its acronym in Spanish) members, as well as the identification of facilitating and hindering factors. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations are presented, as well as the reference list.
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