Pedagogical mediation: new perspectives from education and technical training in Nicaragua



Pedagogical mediation, Experience, Educational research, Pedagogical practices, Learning assessment


This paper shares educational and transforming experiences in evolution from the Instituto Nacional Técnico y Tecnológico (INATEC), which provides technical training by competencies, based on the model of restitution of the Right to a decent, free, quality, warm and inclusive education for Nicaraguan families. In such a way that, the future professional technicians of the country develop a critical, humanistic and integral conscience from an autonomous learning. The pedagogical and mediating role of the teacher in the complementary and specialized teacher strengthening program is harmonized with the dynamization of deep and authentic learning, which promotes reflection in metacognition and regulation, in order to respond to the great technical challenges that their profession demands. Since, a teacher in constant training has various alternatives and methodological proposals that ensure the generation of educational scenarios that contribute to the construction of knowledge by students, in the development of their skills and competencies, thus ensuring quality in the training of technicians. In this context, experiences of good practices are presented with new approaches from the pedagogical mediation, based on the micro-curriculum, the integration of technologies in learning and studentcentered evaluation, thus promoting research and innovation as a transversal axis, in which the student is the author of his own learning, is involved in the process and proposes ideas that become innovation projects that respond to a community need or demand of the productive sectors.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Gutiérrez, M. E. . (2022). Pedagogical mediation: new perspectives from education and technical training in Nicaragua. Indice: Revista De Educación De Nicaragua, 2(4), 39–53. Retrieved from



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