The relation between school attendance and results of marks in subjects



school attendance, decision-making, educational quality, correlation, causality


The transcendent dimension of an educational research process lies in its results contributing to decision-making that leads to the improvement of results and impacts. In the present study, the possible relationship between student attendance and the improvement of language and literature, and mathematics grades have been analyzed through a process composed of two stages: applying Chi square and Kendall’s Tau-b tests. To initially define correlation and intensity, in addition, an econometric model of ordinary least squares was constructed with which the direction and magnitude of the relationship between attendance and grades has been defined. The results have allowed us to verify that there is a significant correlation between the study variables, even considering the existence of other variables that complement the relationship. In addition, the size of the magnitude and a positive direction between attendance and the subjects included in the study have been made explicit, which has allowed us to conclude the need to focus educational policies that encourage student attendance as part of the efforts to improve school performance, as well as defining future investigative processes that allow inferences regarding the causality between attendance and the subjects of study.


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How to Cite

Vanegas Guido, S., & Ortega Rocha, R. Ángel. (2024). The relation between school attendance and results of marks in subjects. Indice: Revista De Educación De Nicaragua, 3(6), 19–35. Retrieved from



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