Assessment for learning, a practice for educational improvement and full human development



educational model, evaluation system, strategy, competence, learning


This essay promotes a deep reflection on the new practices to evaluate the learning of children, adolescents, young people and adults, with the aim to evidence the tangible achievements of the evaluation process, consistent with the educational model in Nicaragua. In addition, it emphasizes the scientific concepts of evaluation for learning, based on a qualitative methodology that allowed the documentary analysis with the referents of the previous evaluation, as well as the qualitative and quantitative instruments that facilitated the triangulation of information, among these are the observation guide, surveys and focal groups. There was a population of 123 protagonists from 38 educational centers in urban and rural areas. Teachers, principals and municipal advisors confirmed that the new approach to the evaluation system is more appropriate for the needs of current education, although it demands greater effort and commitment. In addition, they expressed that the assessment of process-centered learning requires daily work and demands continuity. This essay concludes by emphasizing the importance of the implementation of the new system, which promotes a didactic culture corresponding to the knowledge, skills and attitudes of students, so that an articulated process is carried out, aimed at the permanent improvement of educational quality.


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How to Cite

Herrera Moreno, L. E., & Saborío Rodríguez, M. del S. (2023). Assessment for learning, a practice for educational improvement and full human development. Indice: Revista De Educación De Nicaragua, 3(5), 33–44. Retrieved from



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