Use of Learning and Knowledge Technologies as a methodological strategy complementary to the blackboard plan



understanding, innovation, tools


This paper is one of the results of an innovation that took place at the Gaspar García Laviana Public School in Tipitapa town (Managua, Nicaragua). Its main purpose was to implement Learning and Knowledge Technologies (TAC) as a complementary strategy to the blackboard plan in order to improve understanding in the field of mathematics, so that teachers reverse the apathy and rejection that students feel towards the teaching and learning process of the same, the Learning and Knowledge Technologies (TAC) were used as a complementary strategy, the idea was that by incorporating these technologies in the educational process, teachers can change the perception of the students. students towards mathematics and make the learning experience more engaging and participatory. The methodology used in this study was based on developing research with a mixed approach, with emphasis on the qualitative, applying research techniques such as observation, interviews and tests to the analysis unit that was made up of forty-two students enrolled in the ninth grade. This study shows that the incorporation of Learning and Knowledge Technologies (TAC, for its Acronym in Spanish) as a complementary methodological strategy to the blackboard plan in mathematics has beneficial effects. The integration of TAC in the teaching and learning process of mathematics was perceived as an effective way to improve students’ understanding and performance in this discipline. The results of this study indicated that this combination could generate various benefits, such as the visualization of abstract concepts, the resolution of complex problems becomes more precise and efficient thanks to the available digital tools, the calculations and numerical analyzes can be performed faster.


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How to Cite

Díaz Téllez, B. J. ., & Díaz Téllez, P. J. . . (2023). Use of Learning and Knowledge Technologies as a methodological strategy complementary to the blackboard plan. Indice: Revista De Educación De Nicaragua, 3(5), 87–101. Retrieved from



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