National Strategy of Education in all Levels “Bendiciones y Victorias V” 2024-2026: Approaches, Outcomes, and Perspectives
Transformación social, evolución, desarrollo humanoAbstract
This paper presents the implementation of the National Strategy of Education in all Levels “Bendiciones y Victorias” 2024-2026 through the literature review by the work commissions and technical teams’ proposals. The goal is to reconstruct the National Education System process and select its good practices. The National Education Strategy context is described; the organizational framework coordinating and enforcing each axis and guideline’s actions and systemic educational process. There were four stages: situation assessment to understand the National Education System’s current state; curriculum analysis to define the Nicaraguan education’s curricular framework; teachers’ foundational and continuous education to find development needs; result verification by experts and interns for actions’ improvement. The outcome was the Systemic Framework Competencies by educational level Curriculum, National System of Professional Teacher Development, establishment of national programs for learning full development reinforcement and integration. Ultimately, the National Strategy enforcement goes beyond an education revolving around the human being for their holistic development, from a comprehensive, evolutionary, transformational perspective with a humanistic approach through the systemic work’s enhancement under the guidance of National Education Comission.
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